
Showing posts from March, 2024


Topic: Relationships of Volume in Geometric Solids (M6ME-IVa-95)  PJ MIANA 1. Relationship between a Rectangular Prism and a Pyramid: - A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional shape with six rectangular faces. - Its volume (V) is given by the formula: V = length × width × height. - A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape with a polygonal base and triangular faces meeting at a common vertex. - The volume of a pyramid (V) is calculated using the formula: V = (1/3) × base area × height. - In comparing the volumes of a rectangular prism and a pyramid:   - If they have the same base area and height, the rectangular prism will have three times the volume of the pyramid.   - This is because the rectangular prism fills up space more efficiently due to its shape.   2. Relationship between a Cylinder and a Cone: - A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape with two congruent circular bases and a curved surface. - The volume of a cylinder (V) is given by the formula: V


[Q3] - MATHEMATICS 3Q PERIODIC TEST REVIEWER Test I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.   1) Which of the following is a solid figure that has one circular base and one vertex? a) Cube b) Cylinder c) Cone d) Pyramid   2) Which solid figure has a circular base and a curved surface that tapers to a point? a) Cylinder b) Cone c) Sphere d) Cube   3) What is the name of a solid figure that has six rectangular faces and eight vertices? a) Cube b) Pyramid c) Cone d) Cylinder   4) Which solid figure has two circular bases that are parallel to each other? a) Cylinder b) Sphere c) Cone d) Pyramid   5) What is the name of a solid figure that has a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common vertex? a) Cube b) Cylinder c) Cone d) Pyramid   6) What is a sequence? a) A mathematical statement that shows the equality between two expressions or values b) A set of numbers or objects arranged in a specific


  Volume of Solids Worksheet (Assignment) Instructions: Solve for the volume of each solid. Remember the units (e.g., cm³, in³). Cube (10 problems) Side length = 5 cm Side length = 7 in Side length = 3.5 cm (Decimal allowed) A cube with a volume of 27 cm³ (Find the side length) Side length is doubled from Problem 1. What is the new volume? The side length is halved from Problem 2. What is the new volume? Rectangular Prism (5 problems) Length = 8 cm, Width = 5 cm, Height = 3 cm Length = 4 in, Width = 2.5 in, Height = 6 in A rectangular prism with a volume of 120 in³ (Find the missing dimension if Length = 5 in and Width = 4 in) The length, width, and height of a rectangular prism are all tripled. What happens to the volume? (Write the answer as a multiple of the original volume) The length of a rectangular prism is halved, while the width and height stay the same. What happens to the volume? (Write the answer as a fraction of the original volume) Pyramid (5 problems) Base